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Spending by the National Health Service continues to rise. To continue to offer safe and effective health care, we need to find ways to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Children make up one-fifth of the UK population and 10% of the general practice workload. If we can find ways to improve efficiency in paediatric care, everyone could benefit, most of all children and their parents.
Primary Care Epidemiology
The Primary Care Epidemiology Research Group is relocating to Queen Mary University in London during 2025.
Social Prescribing
Please note that we now have a new webpage, which can be accessed via the link above.
CPRD Research Group
Our main aim is to assist researchers to conduct high quality primary care research using data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD).
Stratified TreAtments Research (STAR)
We use information from large databases of electronic health records to better target preventative treatments at those patients with the most to gain