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Emilie reflects on her experience as a visiting DPhil student with the Interdisciplinary Research in Health Sciences (IRIHS) team, or in her words ‘the best three months’ of her DPhil study!

Choice modelling
Choice modelling is a research method used to understand and predict how individuals make decisions based on different attributes and trade-offs. We apply choice modelling techniques to analyse consumer preferences, inform policy decisions, and optimize product or service offerings across various issues within healthcare.
The quick guide
A shorter guide for those who feel confident but just wanted some pointers and directions for the NDPCHS blog in particular.
The ultimate guide to bloging for student and academics
A shorter guide for those who feel confident but just wanted some pointers and directions for the NDPCHS blog in particular.
Blogging for students and academics: A worked example
A shorter guide for those who feel confident but just wanted some pointers and directions for the NDPCHS blog in particular.
Our blog writing guidance for students and academics
Guides for those who want some pointers and directions for writing blogs and ours in particular.
SHINE Patient and Public Involvement
A summary of patient and public involvement for the SHINE study.
MSc in Global Healthcare Leadership scholarships and awards profiles
Our MSc in Global Healthcare Leadership scholars and awardees have received funding in recognition of their past successes (both academic and professional). Their profiles provide a taster of their diverse experiences to date and their future aspirations.