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Chrysanthi Papoutsi and Sara Shaw share an overview of their research on video group consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK.
Comprehensive review confirms mask effectiveness against respiratory infections, urges better design and policy support
22 May 2024
New comprehensive review provides strong evidence that masks and respirators effectively reduce the transmission of respiratory infections like COVID-19, based on analysis of over 400 studies from multiple disciplines.
Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science part of project to help evaluate the new NHS Pharmacy First service
13 February 2024
A team of scientists and experts have been awarded funding to evaluate the new National Health Service Pharmacy First service.
Overhaul of training needed to support general practice staff to provide remote health care, new study shows
29 December 2023
A new University of Oxford-led study in UK general practice shows that staff need more and different training to equip them for delivering remote healthcare.
NHS to expand use of University of Oxford’s OpenSAFELY secure COVID-19 research platform to help find new treatments for major killer conditions
20 November 2023
The NHS is to expand the use of the OpenSAFELY research platform, behind the roll-out of new Covid-19 treatments, to help drive life-saving advances for other major diseases.
E-cigarettes, varenicline and cytisine are the most effective stop-smoking aids, analysis of over 150,000 smokers reveals
12 September 2023
Oxford-led study identifies nicotine e-cigarettes, varenicline, and cytisine as top aids for stopping smoking long-term. Comprehensive analysis offers clear insights for effective quit strategies.
New Oxford Study Shows Brief Sleep Therapy Delivered by Nurses Improves Insomnia
11 August 2023
Researchers from the University of Oxford have found that a brief form of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for insomnia, delivered by nurses in GP surgeries, significantly improves sleep and quality of life compared to sleep hygiene alone.
NDPCHS Joins Major NIHR Policy Research Programme on Cancer Research
4 August 2023
The NIHR unveils a significant investment in its Policy Research Units, with a spotlight on early cancer detection. Led by experts from Oxford and UCL, this initiative aims to transform research into actionable policies, targeting the NHS's ambitious goal of early diagnosis for 3 out of 4 cancer patients by 2028.
Double milestone for equity in health research for NDPCHS: CfRE's launch and a prestigious Incubator Award
8 June 2023
The Centre for Research Equity (CfRE) and the ‘Race Equity and Diversity in Careers Incubator’, both hosted by the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Science, University of Oxford, have recently celebrated significant milestones in their respective missions of promoting inclusivity and equity in health research.
Research from the University of Oxford key in new all-party government report evaluating government commitments on the digitisation of the NHS.
20 February 2023
The report, authored by a panel of independent experts, gave the government's progress an "inadequate" rating, raising questions about the Government's capacity to guarantee that the health and social care systems have the digital underpinnings they require to meet the challenges they face.
Clinician-patient communication about emergency aerial medical evacuation in case of infectious disease
1 February 2023
New research from the University of Oxford, published today in the Journal of Travel Medicine, has developed a simple six-step check list clinicians can use to improve communication, decision making and planning about the possibility and practicalities of Aerial Medical Evacuation (AME).
Study reveals association between diagnosis of a neuropsychiatric condition and severe outcome from COVID-19 infection, and other severe acute respiratory infections
14 November 2022
New research from the University of Oxford has shown an increased risk of severe illness and death from both COVID-19 and other severe respiratory infections, such as influenza and pneumonia, among people with a pre-existing mental health condition.
Food industry shows ‘stalled progress’ to reduce salt intakes, new Oxford-led analysis finds
20 October 2022
New research led from the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences has shown that, overall, the average salt content of food products sold at supermarkets has not changed between 2015 and 2020. The results also showed that for certain products (ready meals, pizzas and soups) the volume of salt sold increased during this time.
'Goldacre Recommendations' to Drive Innovation and Improve Healthcare Through Safer Use of Health Data Published
7 April 2022
Professor Ben Goldacre publishes findings from an independent review to improve use of health data in NHS. Recommendations include increasing transparency and modernising software infrastructure to boost research whilst maintaining high security standards. The findings have already helped shape the Health and Social Care Data Strategy, being published later this year, which will set out a vision to make better use of data to save lives.
In helping smokers quit, combining treatments is key
10 February 2022
A new clinical review provides guidance to physicians and the public about the most effective tobacco cessation treatments.
Three out of four people with heart failure could be diagnosed sooner, potentially improving quality of life and reducing costs to the healthcare system.
29 November 2021
Researchers from the University of Oxford have today reported that only 1 in 4 people diagnosed with heart failure received a simple, recommended blood test that could have resulted in an earlier diagnosis at a more treatable stage.
Designing and implementing an educational framework for paramedics rotating into primary care
18 November 2021
Georgette Eaton shares an overview of her research as part of her NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship focusing on the employment of paramedics in primary care.
Reduction in UK red and processed meat intake, but more needed to meet our climate targets
8 October 2021
Daily meat consumption in the UK has decreased by approximately 17.4g per person per day – just under a 17% reduction – in the last decade finds new research from the University of Oxford. Between 2008/09 and 2018/19 people in the UK reduced both the amount of red and processed meat they eat, while slightly increasing their white meat consumption. Yet, this reduction is significantly less than the 30% reduction the National Food Strategy has recently called for within the next ten years.
Hormone therapy not linked to increased risk of developing dementia
30 September 2021
Use of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT), also known as hormone replacement therapy, HRT) is not associated with an increased risk of developing dementia, regardless of hormone type, dose, or duration, conclude a team of researchers from across the UK.
Five simple steps to effective opportunistic weight loss conversations in family practice
26 March 2021
Five simple communication changes could enable doctors to have more equitable and effective conversations about weight loss, finds new research from the University of Oxford and Loughborough University. With obesity as one of the few modifiable risk factors for developing severe COVID, the findings are especially important during the current pandemic.
Oxford-led research makes BJGP Open's top ten most read open research articles of 2020
5 March 2021
Three articles, led by Oxford researchers in the department, including three DPhil students, make the top 10 list for the most read open research articles in the BJGP Open for 2020 - including number one.