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This course will serve as an introduction to interrupted time series analysis (ITSA) including selection and setup of data sources, statistical analysis, interpretation and presentation, and identification of potential challenges. ***Free to staff working within health, social care, public health and the ARC within the Oxford and Thames Valley region***

Organisers: Professor Richard Stevens, Dr Catia Nicodemo, Nicola Pidduck (NDPCHS University of Oxford)

***Free to staff working within health, social care, public health and the ARC within the Oxford and Thames Valley region***


This introductory course is available as a one-day or a two-day course.  The one-day course is aimed at analysts and decision-makers wishing to understand and appraise evidence of this type.  The two-day course is aimed at those wishing to understand and carry out simple interrupted time series, for example data analysts statisticians.

The course will cover: Introduction to linear regression models; use of segmented regression to evaluate interventions; issues arising when using regression in time series (autocorrelation, heteroskedasticity, seasonality).  The one-day course combines theory with case studies and examples. 

The two-day course extends this with an additional day of computer practical classes.  Attendees of the two-day course should bring a laptop with the open-source software R (freely available from for the second day.

Day 1 overview:

  • How interventions are evaluated with segmented linear regression
  • Special issues in time series data


Day 2

  • Introduction to statistical computing in R
  • Interrupted time series analysis in R

 To register, click here.

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