Open Meetings
Open meetings provide an opportunity to share and talk about research, highlights the work of our Better Workplace Groups and facilitates termly Q&As with senior members of the department.
Held twice-per-term, there are two different types of meeting:
- Research and Better Workplace Group: includes talks from three research teams and one Better Workplace Group
- Panel Q&A with leadership talk: Questions will be collected in advance of these meetings. Leadership talks will cover a range of topics from 'creating a research group' to 'working with policy makers.'
A summary of questions asked at these meetings can be found here (SSO required)
Asking questions during Department Open Meetings
Questions and discussion are welcome at open meetings
Submitting questions in advance
You can submit a named or anonymous question in advance, which will be addressed during the open meeting. If there are several questions on the same topic, they may be grouped together in the interests of time. This method of submitting a question is preferred.
Submitting questions during the meeting, via Slido
While anonymous questions are welcome ahead of department open meetings, these meetings are intended to be open and you are therefore encouraged to include your name on your questions. The option remains to submit your question anonymously during the meeting.
How questions will be answered
Please bear in mind that while presenters and panel members would like to answer all your questions, they don’t always know the answer or are unable to provide the level of detail you might expect in an answer within the timeframe of the Q&A session.
Questions submitted on topics which are already on the meeting agenda will be prioritised so there is sufficient time for discussion. Questions submitted on unrelated topics will be answered if there is time, or a full and considered response will be provided following the meeting via an FAQ. Given time constraints, Slido votes indicating relevance and popularity may be used to inform which questions are addressed first.
The panel will be responsible for determining which questions are answered during the meeting.
All questions submitted will be addressed, either during the meeting or afterwards.