Annual Leave, Sickness Absence and Other Leave
Annual leave
- Paid annual leave entitlements are set out in the contract of employment
- The annual leave year runs with the Academic year October to September
- A maximum of 5 days unused leave can be rolled over from one leave year to the next with a deadline of 31st December for rolled over leave to be used by
- Annual leave must be pre-approved by your line manager through TeamSeer
TeamSeer is an online system for booking and tracking annual and sickness leave, as well as viewing when your team is away.
Sickness absence
- Absence from work due to ill health should be notified by the employee to the line manager as soon as possible on the first day of absence
- The line manager logs the unplanned absence in TeamSeer
- For absences less than 8 days TeamSeer will generate the self-certification form to be completed by the employee and line manager on the employees return
- For absences of 8 consecutive days or more (including weekends) a fit note from the employee's GP will be required providing the reason for being not fit for work this must be forwarded to HR upon receipt from the employee
- For further guidance about absence management and long term sick leave please contact
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Emergency Carers' Leave
The University provides assistance to carers' by offering paid to leave to attend to acute/unexpected caring responsibilities or domestic emergencies.
Up to 2 days for each occurence with no more than 5 days in a 12 month period is available to cover unexpected caring needs such as emergency appointments at a hospital or GP surgery, incidents at school etc.
Emergency Leave is to be recorded in TeamSeer under Miscellaneous Leave and Emergency/Dependancy Leave
For routine medical appointments or common illnesses of children annual leave is to be used.
Further details are available on the University website under Section 4.3.1 of the Staff Handbook
Carers' Leave
The University has an Unpaid Carers' Leave scheme to help staff with caring commitments balance their work commitments.
Full details of the scheme can be found on the University website
Career Break
The University has a career break scheme open to qualifying employees on request.
Any period of leave for a career break must be agreed with your line manager and in some instances by your group lead of head of department.
Full details and terms are available on the University website
Parental Leave
For information and guidance about Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave and Shared Parental Leave can be found on our Parental Leave page
Further Guidance
The full University guidance for all types of leave can be found here
Please also visit our FAQ's page for questions about leave
To discuss any of the above or ask a question about leave that is not covered on this page or our FAQ's please contact the HR Team at