Leaving employment
Resigning from your current role
Notice that you wish to resign from your current role must be provided in line with your contract.
These requirements can be checked in the applicable staff handbook
Notice is to be submitted in writing to your line manager and HR at hr@phc.ox.ac.uk
Upon receipt of your resignation HR will write to you confirming:
- Your final day of employment
- Your remaining leave allowance
- Further relevant information
- Offer an exit interview
Actions to take when you are leaving
- Complete the Employee Leaver Form
- Complete the IT & IG Leaver Form
- Undertake the actions outlined in your letter confirming your resignation/end of fixed term contract
- Return of equipment as specified in the leaver forms
- Liaise with your line manager for completion of a handover plan
- For staff leaving from the Clinical Trials Unit ensure completion of the SOP GN105
End of a Fixed Term contract
Your line manager will be in communication with you as the end date of your contract approaches to let you know if your contract will be extended or if the contract will end as planned if there is no further work required.
Where it has been confirmed to HR no further work is required beyond the end of your contract you will receive a letter confirming the expiry of your contract. This is sent 3 months before the end date of your contract.
Full details of the University processes for ending fixed term contracts can be found here
Your remaining leave allowance and further information will be provided during the 3 month notice period.
If you are offered an extension to your contract by your line manager but don't wish to accept, this is a resignation from your role requiring you to submit a formal written resignation as detailed in the above section.
There are different options available for staff who wish retire and different requirements for Academic, and equivalent staff.
Please visit the University guidance for retirement to understand what options are available to you.
Upon receipt of written notice to retire you will receive written confirmation from HR along with further information about the end of your employment.