If you have any questions or would like to have an informal chat first to find out more, please contact me:
- Sharon Dixon
- Text: 07990515071
- Email: Sharon.dixon@phc.ox.ac.uk
Use the buttons below to download the relevant information leaflets
Info Video for 10-15 here
Info video for 16-25 here
Participation now closed.
With huge thanks to everyone who has supported and been interested in this study. We have now finished recruitment for this interview study.
We will share our resources and research outputs on this page when they are completed.
Please get in touch if you have any questions or comments.
We want to improve care experiences for teenagers with period pain.
To do this, we want to hear from young people about their experiences of period pain.
We want to explore things like how they find information about period pain, who they ask for help and advice from – and what happens when they do. We want to know about deciding to see a doctor or nurse – or not – and experiences of treatments for period pain, including things people try at home or get from a doctor of nurse.
We want to know what teenagers think is important about period pain – and what THEY want health professionals and teachers to know (and do).
Why is this important?
Period pain affects up to 93% of teenagers. About one third of them experience severe pain and miss school and social opportunities. Although treatments are available, most do not seek medical help.
Despite the size and importance of the problem, there isn’t much evidence and aren’t many resources for teenagers or for GPs.
Teenagers’ perspectives on period pain are critical to successful care – and are currently under-represented. This project seeks to address these issues, and to make resources for schools, teenagers and GPs with young people’s voices at the heart of them.
We will make a free web resource (on a health website called HEXI – Health Experience Insights – at www.hexi.ox.ac.uk) about period pain that is by, with, and for young people.
What are we doing?
We want to talk to teenagers about what they think matters when it comes to care, services, information and communication about period pain. We want to speak to teenagers in the UK with any experience of period pain, whether you have spoken to anyone about it or not, and whether it affects you a little or a lot or sometimes or always.
If you are:
- 10-19 years old &
- Living in the UK
- And interested in finding out more, please click this link for all the project information and documents.
- There are video versions of the study information, you can watch these by clicking here.
- If you would like to express interest in taking part in this study, please click here or message or call Sharon on 07990515071, or email her at sharon.dixon@phc.ox.ac.uk
- If you would like to talk about this first or have any questions, please contact Sharon on sharon.dixon@phc.ox.ac.uk or message or call her on 07990515071