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Public and Patient Steering group


We are working with a group of people who represent the wider public and people with diabetes. The group  has provided valuable guidance about the set up and design of both our research and the way that brief messages (including SMS messages) are developed and then sent to people. 

Over the first two years of the SuMMit-D project the group has met for face-to-face meetings. Working across Greater Manchester and tech Thames Valley we have now moved to  video conferences to discuss key issues. The chair and the deputy chair of the group attend monthly management team meetings of the project with researchers. We have an independent member of the public on our programme steering committee.

Contributions made by our public members include review of patient-facing documents used in research, review of the SuMMiT-D website and helping understand the findings from our research. We welcome the challenge provided by our public members in encouraging us to focus our research in addressing the challenges of delivering the benefits that are rapidly becoming evident with digital health to people with diabetes and other long-term conditions using innovative and widely scalable approaches.