Dr Samuel Coenen, University of Antwerp
He graduated as Medical Doctor in 1997 Summa cum Laude and was granted a Fellowship as Research-assistant of the Research Foundation-Flanders until 2002. His research focused on antibiotic prescribing for acute cough in the context of increasing antimicrobial resistance. He successfully defended a PhD thesis entitled 'Antibiotics for coughing in general practice: exploring, describing and optimising prescribing' in 2003 at the University of Antwerp and was granted a Post-doctoral Fellowship by the Research Foundation-Flanders until 2009. To date, he is (co-) author of over 200 contributions in (inter) national peer-reviewed journals and gave over 30 oral presentations at (inter) national conferences, received several prizes, e.g. the Special-prize for Excellence during Medical Studies (1997) and the Pharmacia Award for Flemish Research in General Practice (2001), funding by (inter) national bodies, e.g. the European Science Foundation (2006, 2011) and the Research Foundation-Flanders (2008), and an honorary research fellowship by Cardiff University. Up to now he has been working at the Centre for General Practice of the University of Antwerp, currently as lecturer and research leader, member of the GRACE (www.grace-lrti.org), ESAC (www.esac.ua.ac.be) and TRACE (www.esf.org/TRACE) Management Team, and partner of CHAMP, APRES, TheraEDGE and SATURN, and collaborator in HAPPY AUDIT, all FP6 and FP7 projects. He is also co-editor-in-chief of Huisarts Nu the journal of Domus Medica (www.domusmedica.be), chair of the BAPCOC (www.health.fgov.be/antibiotics) Working Party responsible for the Belgian public campaign on appropriate antibiotic use, (co-)author of Domus Medica and BAPCOC guidelines, e.g. on lower respiratory tract infections in adults, and Brisbane Initiative cohort 4 member. |