Dr Lena Sanci, University of Melbourne
I am an academic general practitioner (GP) with adolescent health expertise and deputy head, Department of General Practice, University of Melbourne. I lead a research stream aiming to benefit the health and wellbeing of young people through primary health care and through technology with a particular focus on workforce development, intervention design and pathways to care. This work began with my PhD, the first randomised controlled trial to demonstrate the effectiveness of an educational intervention to improve GPs' competency in adolescent health. I collaborate with health services researchers including health economists, social and educational researchers on methods of program evaluation, including use of simulated patients in assessment of clinical skills. My research higher degree students have further researched how social context, explanatory style and primary health care systems affect young people and about contemporary health risks such as sexting. I am now moving from a focus on changing clinicians' behaviour to working with practice systems and technology to enhance engagement, access and outcomes for young people in primary care. The projects I am currently involved in include: a randomised trial of an intervention aimed at helping general practice systems become youth friendly (Prevention, Access and Risk Taking in Young people, The PARTY project); a technological solution to improving pathways to information and care online; a virtual clinic hub for university students; a trial of an online relapse monitoring tool for depression; improving youth friendly care for young people with cancer; parents and attitudes toward youth friendly care. |