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Professor of Public Health & Director Australian Research Centre in Complementary and Integrative Medicine (ARCCIM) I am Professor of Public Health at the Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney where I have a research-intensive Chair and currently lead a team of 15 researchers. My research programme has focused upon a number of topics including occupational and workplace violence in general practice; complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use, practice and interface (with primary health care); rural health; dementia and family-caregivers; and women's health. My work provides a bridge between the disciplines/fields of public health, health social science and health services research with a focus upon providing findings of practice and policy relevance. I hold a NHMRC Career Development Fellowship (2011-2015) as well as a number of national and international Honorary and Adjunct Professorial titles. I am Director of the Australian Research Centre in Complementary and Integrative Medicine (ARCCIM) and National Convenor of the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) Special Interest Group on 'Evidence, Research and Policy on Complementary Medicine'. In the last 5 years I have attracted in excess of $7M of external funding as Principal Investigator including grants from the NHMRC, ARC and PHCRED. I have authored over 210 peer-reviewed publications since 2001 and I am editor/co-editor of 6 international research books. My most recent books include Editor-in-Chief Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: An International Reader (Palgrave, 2012), Chief Editor Primary Health Care and Complementary and Integrative Medicine: Research and Practice (Imperial College Press, 2012) and Co-Editor Evidence-Based Health Care in Context (Ashgate, 2011). I am also Associate Editor for three international peer-review journals, Complementary Therapies in Medicine (Elsevier), Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies (Elsevier) and BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine as well as Regional Editor for European Journal of Integrative Medicine (Elsevier). Website:
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Professor of Primary Care Research: 1. Improving the targeting of antibiotic prescribing The development of clinical prediction rules offers the promise of improved antibiotic targeting in primary care. Completed work demonstrates my experience in deriving and validating a clinical rule to predict minor complications of acute cough in pre-school children presenting to primary care and I am a Co-PI for the recently completed MRC funded DESCARTE study. I am the CI on a multi-centre NIHR Programme Grant application (TARGET) in which Workstream 3 will derive and validate clinical rules to predict major complications (hospitalisation) and investigate the prognostic implications of dual bacterial and viral infection in children presenting to primary care with a range of respiratory infections. I am also Co-CI on a HTA funded grant (DUTY) to improve the recognition and treatment of urinary tract infection in young children presenting to primary care. 2. Primary care prescribed antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance I led a group that was o993-1999: Course director community Attachment Scheme MBChB Currently Senior Clinical Lecturer (0.4 WTE) AUPMC University of Sheffield: supervision and research training for Academic GP Training Fellows, BMedSci research students, postgraduate students; own research; departmental management group. Approved as a trainer August 2009. 2003 to date: GP appraiser & GP peer appraiser; RESEARCH 2007 to 2009: Impact of NICE guidelines and the quality and outcomes framework in primary care; a qualitative study of patient and professional perspectives on treatment. 2007-2010: Co-: A qualitative study of factors influencing late booking for antenatal care. 2006-2009: SDO 'Costs and Outcomes of Older People's services' GMC commissioned research study: |
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Sarah Purdy is a Reader in the Academic Unit of Primary Health Care at the University of Bristol. She was appointed in October 2006 after being awarded a Medical Research Council Clinician Scientist Fellowship. Prior to coming to Bristol she worked at the Hull York Medical School where she was involved in designing and delivering an innovative problem based learning curriculum and in developing a research strategy for the new organisation and its academic and NHS partners. Previously, Sarah worked at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne as a Lecturer, subsequently Clinical Senior Lecturer, in Primary Health Care. She was a visiting fellow at Harvard University from 1995 to 1997. Sarah has a MD from the University of London and a Masters in Public Health from Harvard School of Public Health. Sarah is currently working on a research programme exploring predictors of, and interventions for, unscheduled care use and unplanned hospital admissions. She also has research projects in the area of multi-morbidity. She continues her research into the management of dermatological conditions. Sarah is academic lead for the local NIHR Primary Care Research Network. She is a member of a number of national committees and an advisor to several national bodies. She was a Non-executive director of an NHS board for seven years. She is an Honorary Consultant in Primary Health Care at NHS Bristol. Sarah leads the EBM and Public Health vertical theme of the medical school curriculum in Bristol and teaches on several of the medical student courses delivered by the Academic Unit of Primary Health Care. She works clinically as a general practitioner. |
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I got my PhD in 2004, on epidemiologic research on childbirth risk factors for urinary incontinence. Since then, I have used epidemiological methods for different topics, basically infectious diseases as well as incontinence. In 2005/2006, I had a research stay at University of California, San Francisco. In 2006, the Research Unit for General Practice was established in Bergen, and I was asked to take the position as Director of Research. Since then, we have expanded to be a unit of approximately 18 persons, mainly in part time positions. As a professor at the University of Bergen, I give lectures to medical students as well as PhD students. As part of the faculty at our department, I actively engage in discussions about research strategy and policy. I work to enhance politicians’ awareness of both general practice and research concerning this field. I also engage in discussions about the framework GPs work under to strengthen the possibility for GPs to take part in and conduct research. I want primary care research in Norway to have higher ambitions with regard to relevance and quality. I hope the BI programme will give inspiration for future work on research strategy. I also think contact and collaboration with strong primary care research groups abroad is important and hope to establish such contact between the Norwegian research community and others through this programme. |
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I am an academic general practitioner (GP) with adolescent health expertise and deputy head, Department of General Practice, University of Melbourne. I lead a research stream aiming to benefit the health and wellbeing of young people through primary health care and through technology with a particular focus on workforce development, intervention design and pathways to care. This work began with my PhD, the first randomised controlled trial to demonstrate the effectiveness of an educational intervention to improve GPs' competency in adolescent health. I collaborate with health services researchers including health economists, social and educational researchers on methods of program evaluation, including use of simulated patients in assessment of clinical skills. My research higher degree students have further researched how social context, explanatory style and primary health care systems affect young people and about contemporary health risks such as sexting. I am now moving from a focus on changing clinicians' behaviour to working with practice systems and technology to enhance engagement, access and outcomes for young people in primary care. The projects I am currently involved in include: a randomised trial of an intervention aimed at helping general practice systems become youth friendly (Prevention, Access and Risk Taking in Young people, The PARTY project); a technological solution to improving pathways to information and care online; a virtual clinic hub for university students; a trial of an online relapse monitoring tool for depression; improving youth friendly care for young people with cancer; parents and attitudes toward youth friendly care. |
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Tjard Schermer was born on 23 January 1967 in Ede, the Netherlands. After graduating as a physiotherapist in 1989 he practised physiotherapy full-time for three years. From 1991 to 1996 he studied Biomedical Health Sciences at the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre while working part-time as a physiotherapist. During his study in Nijmegen he developed a special interest in research in the epidemiology, diagnostics and management of chronic diseases. In 1996 he started working for the COPD & Asthma Research Unit of the Department of Primary and Community Care (until 1 January 2009: Department of General Practice) of the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, first as a research assistant but after one year as a junior researcher. On 6 April 2005 he defended his doctoral thesis entitled 'Optimizing health care for patients with COPD or asthma in Dutch general practice' (cum laude). Since 2003 he is the director of the COPD & Asthma Research & Development Unit, and in that position the (executive) project leader of a number (>20) primary care studies in the field of chronic (respiratory) diseases. On 1 September 2009 he was appointed as the Principal Investigator for the department's research theme 'Chronic Diseases & Care for the Elderly' and on 1 May 2012 as the department's Director of Research. He holds a visiting associate professorship at the Primary Care Respiratory Research Unit of the Department of General Practice of the University of Adelaide, Australia. Website:
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GP, Director of Networks At the moment I am general practitioner in Lent, The Netherlands. In this practice, I am one of the successors of Professor Frans Huygen, one of the founding fathers of Dutch general practice. At the academic level, I am the director of networks of the department. This is one of the 4 units of the department of primary and community care, which resulted after a merging process between the department of general practice, the department of nursing home medicine, occupational and community medicine, and several educational schools in 2008. I am in charge of bringing together the networks in primary care, such as the practice based research networks in general practice, the networks for nursing homes, and the networks of community and occupational care adherent to the Radboud University Medical Centre. Moreover, I am chair of the steering committee of the practice based research networks in general practice. I am engaged in several research projects, mainly with a focus on continuity of care and care for the frail elderly. In these projects I am one of the applicants and member of the steering and project committees. As regards editorial expertise, I'm a member of the editorial staff of Huisarts en wetenschap, the national leading general practice journal. I am on the board of regional GPs |
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I developed my academic career in Amsterdam (VU University medical centre), leading a research programme on the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders and other physical symptoms in primary care. In 2006 I took up a joint appointment in Amsterdam and Keele, with the aim to build on my international experience and develop an international programme of research across the two Centres. I gradually took up more responsibilities in Keele’s Arthritis Research UK National Primary Care Centre, being involved in both the epidemiology and trials programmes. Since October 2009 I am fulltime appointed at Keele (chair in primary care epidemiology) and have become part of the Centre’s executive management team. I have been trained as an epidemiologist, which allowed me to lead studies using a range of methodologies, including systematic reviews, diagnostic and prognostic studies, and (cluster) randomised trials. My research focuses on musculoskeletal conditions, but I have developed a strong interest in other common physical symptoms, such as fatigue, dizziness, headache and abdominal pain. Research questions that I would like to address in (future) studies include describing the ‘phenotypes’ of pain problems (definition and classification of pain in primary care, as pain location or medical diagnosis is not always the optimal approach); research on prognosis and predictors of outcome (do these vary across patients with different types of pain, can we identify a core set of important prognostic factors); research on the influence of prognostic information on management decisions in primary care, and development and evaluation of interventions (such as stratified models of care) that address these prognostic factors and may help to improve patient outcomes or efficiency of health care. |