Dr Tania Winzenberg, University of Tasmania
Senior Research Fellow Tania completed her PhD, examining osteoporosis prevention in premenopausal women and children, in 2006. She has over 60 peer-reviewed publications including two first author papers in the BMJ. In 2007, she received the Australian and New Zealand Bone Mineral Society (ANZBMS)’s Kaye Ibbertson Award for the best 5 papers in the field of metabolic bone disease in the last 5 years. Her competitive funding totals over $3 million and she has been lead investigator on 12 successful competitive grant applications. She regularly presents at key primary care and bone conferences (25 orals and 12 posters since 2003). Highlights include being invited speaker on Nutrition and bone in children at the 2nd Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis and Bone Meeting (2011) and successfully competing for oral presentations at both triennial WONCA World Conferences of Family Doctors she has attended (2007, 2010). Tania is member and Fellow of the RACGP and a member of the Australian Association for Academic Primary Care, ANZBMS and ASBMR. For the ANZBMS, she sits on the Professional Affairs, theResearch and the Therapeutics Committees. She is Deputy Chair of the RACGP National Standing Committee Research. She is osteoporosis editor of the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group and on the editorial boards of the Australian Family Physician and BMC Family Medicine. |