Defne Saatci
DPhil Student
After studying medicine at the University of Cambridge, Defne commenced paediatric speciality training in London. During her training, she developed a strong interest in academic paediatrics and undertook a master’s degree in child health at University College London, for which she was awarded a distinction.
Her main research interests are in paediatric oncology and epidemiology, which she will pursue through her DPhil at the University of Oxford.
Recent publications
Childhood, teenage and young adult cancer diagnosis during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A population-based observational cohort study in England
Saatci D. et al, (2022), Archives of Disease in Childhood
Neurological complications after first dose of COVID-19 vaccines and SARS-CoV-2 infection
Patone M. et al, (2021), Nature Medicine, 27, 2144 - 2153