Research groups
Jack Joyce
Research Programme Manager
I am a researcher specialising in preventative and behavioural treatment in primary care. My work uses qualitative approaches to investigate healthcare communication, and the design, optimisation and implementation of communication interventions that helpfully support behaviour change and lead to better outcomes for patients.
My research mostly looks to understand how communication in clinical settings can support people to quit smoking, lose weight, and achieve remission from type 2 diabetes. I also have an interest in improving clinical trial procedures (often around communication) to improve recruitment and retention of participants.
My current work is on the TRIDENT (Tobacco RIsk reDuction with E-cigarette Nicotine Replacement Therapy) research programme. TRIDENT aims to develop a brief offer of an e-cigarette and a continued support programme delivered by mental health professionals that meets the needs of people with serious mental illness who smoke and who have decline the offer to quit.
I use Conversation Analysis when I can, I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), I sit on the Early Career Qualitative Health Research Network committee, and I teach Nvivo for the IT Learning Centre.
You can find an up-to-date list of my publications here.
Key publications
Journal article
Joyce JB. et al, (2024), Health Expect, 27
Journal article
Buckell J. et al, (2024), Diabetes Care
Should we share qualitative data? Epistemological and practical insights from Conversation Analysis
Journal article
Joyce J. et al, (2022), International Journal of Social Research Methodology
Journal article
Huma B. and Joyce J., (2022), British Journal of Social Psychology
What does ‘resistance’ actually look like? The
respecification of resistance as an interactional
Journal article
Huma B. et al, (2023), Journal of Language and Social Psychology
Journal article
Joyce JB. et al, (2021), Feminism & Psychology, 31, 502 - 529
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