Research groups
Xinxin Yang
Post-doctoral Researcher
My primary research interests lie in conversation analysis, clinical linguistics, and communication disorders. My work focuses on understanding how linguistic and cognitive impairments, such as those caused by aphasia or dementia, impact communication. I am also interested in doctor-patient communication and how interactions can shape healthcare experiences and outcomes.
Currently, I am a researcher of the TRIDENT (Tobacco RIsk reDuction with E-cigarette Nicotine Replacement Therapy) team. This project aims to develop and deliver tailored smoking harm reduction interventions for people with severe mental illness in routine mental healthcare. The intervention involves providing e-cigarettes alongside ongoing professional support to help reduce smoking and ultimate smoking cessation.
Before joining TRIDENT, I completed my PhD at the University of Sheffield. My research explored how healthcare professionals and significant others engage with people with aphasia in everyday conversations and clinical interactions.