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Using out-of-office blood pressure measurements in established cardiovascular risk scores: a secondary analysis of data from two blood pressure monitoring studies

Journal article

Lay-Flurrie S. et al, (2019), The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 69, e381 - e388

Diagnostic Yield and Treatment Impact of Targeted Exome Sequencing in Early-Onset Epilepsy

Journal article

Demos M. et al, (2019), Frontiers in Neurology, 10

Defining Value-based Healthcare in the NHS


Hurst L. et al, (2019)

Spreading and scaling up innovation and improvement

Journal article

Greenhalgh T. and Papoutsi C., (2019), BMJ (Online), 365

Enhanced passive surveillance of influenza vaccination in England, 2016−2017– an observational study using an adverse events reporting card

Journal article

de Lusignan S. et al, (2019), Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, 15, 1048 - 1059

Intensification to injectable therapy in type 2 diabetes: Mixed methods study (protocol)

Journal article

De Lusignan S. et al, (2019), BMC Health Services Research, 19

MathealthXB: Designing across borders for global maternal health

Conference paper

Prabhakar AS. et al, (2019), Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings

Telephone counselling for smoking cessation

Journal article

Matkin W. et al, (2019), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2019

A mixed methods study of the impact of consultant overnight working in an English Emergency Department

Journal article

Penn ML. et al, (2019), Emergency Medicine Journal, 36, 298 - 302

Acculturation and suicidal ideation among Turkish migrants in the Netherlands ✰

Journal article

Eylem O. et al, (2019), Psychiatry Research, 275, 71 - 77

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