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Contact one of our researchers, students or professional support staff.

Felix Achana

Senior Researcher in Health Economics

Utkarsh Agrawal

Research Fellow

Oluwafunmi Akinyemi

Researcher in Evidence Synthesis

Caterina Alacevich

Honorary Research Fellow

Ali Albasri

Honorary Research Fellow

Charlotte Albury

Associate Professor

Rachel Allan

Deputy Academic Lead for Undergraduate GP Teaching

Kasim Allel Henriquez


Luke Allen


Matthew Allwood

Clinical Trial Data Co-ordinator

Anica Alvarez Nishio

Ben Amies-Cull

Public Health Researcher and Honorary Clinical Lecturer

Erin Amor

Assistant Trial Manager

Sneha Anand

Project Manager

Rebecca Anderson-Kittow

Research Fellow

Karin Andre

Practice Liaison Officer

Colm Andrews

Data Scientist

Kelsey Armitage

Trial Manager

Jeffrey K Aronson

Consultant Physician and Clinical Pharmacologist

Katie Arundell

Study Coordinator

Helen Ashdown

NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer in Primary Care

Nerys Astbury

Associate Professor - Diet & Obesity

Emma Atakpa

Senior Researcher in Medical Statistics / Data Science / Epidemiology

Yenabeb Ayalew

Clinical Trial Administrator

Seb Bacon

Chief Technical Officer

Lauren Bandy


Clare Bankhead

Professor of Epidemiology and Research Design

Christopher Banks-Pillar

Research assistant

Rebecca Barnes

Associate Professor

Clare Bateman

Assistant Trial Manager

Paul Bateman

Statistical Programmer

Nicholas Beale

Assistant Trial Manager

Sonya Beecher

Trial Coordinator

Rachna Begh

Deputy Course Director, MSc Translational Health Sciences & University Research ...

Liliia Bespala

Academic Visitor

Kam Bhui

Professor of Psychiatry, Senior Clinical Researcher

Katie Bickford

Software Developer

Davide Bilardi

Teaching Fellow

Matt Birch

Trial Administrator

Corneliu Bolbocean

Senior Researcher in Health Economics

Emily Bongard

Head of Operations (PC-CTU)

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