Health and safety
Statement of Safety Organisation
The arrangements for health and safety within the Department are laid out in the NDPCHS SoSO. Copies are located on the Health & Safety notice board, and in the Departmental Administrator's office.
Useful contacts:
Reception: | (6)17855 |
Departmental Safety Officer (Jessy Morton): | (6)17271 |
Divisional Safety Officers: | (2)89203 |
Security (24hrs): | (2)72944 |
Emergency | (2)89999 |
Fire: Radcliffe Primary Care Building
Fire alarms are tested regularly every Friday between 8.00 and 9.00 am
If you discover a fire
- Operate the nearest Fire Alarm Call Point.
- Evacuate by the nearest exit, closing all internal doors behind you.
- Report to the Assembly Point located at the external bike racks outside the south end of the maths building ie walk towards the Blavatnic building/Walton Street and away from the Woodstock Road – see diagram below.
On hearing the alarm
- Evacuate by the nearest exit, closing all internal doors behind you.
- DO NOT re-enter the building until told to do so by either a Fire Marshal, Departmental Administrator or University Security Services
- Report to the Assembly Point as above and below
- Assemble in your Groups and ascertain whether anyone is believed to be missing.
- Report any problems to either the Fire Marshals or to University Security Services.
Contacting the Emergency Services
The University Security Service (USS) is alerted directly as soon as a Fire Alarm Call point is operated. However, if you know of a fire occurring in the building ensure the Fire Brigade are contacted either by informing a Fire Marshall, or USS, or directly yourself. Remember your own safety is paramount at all times.
First Aid: Radcliffe Primary Care Building
If you have an accident and are hurt in any way – Contact a First Aider
Departmental First Aiders are:
- Stephanie Deacon - RPC Reception - Ext (6) 17855
- Jessy Morton - RPC Reception/ Hot desk - Ext (6) 17271
- Susannah Fleming - Stats Team, 1st Floor - MS Teams
- Mary Logan- RPC 2nd floor- MS Teams
- Ruth Sanders- RPC Mezzanine= EXT (2) 89376
Contact details of all First Aiders are located by the first aid kits.
There is a First Aid kit located in all kitchen areas.
ALL accidents and incidents must be reported online to Incident reporting and investigation | Safety Office (
Fire: Gibson Building
Fire alarm testing takes place from 9-10am on Fridays.
If you discover a fire
- Sound the alarm by operation of the nearest glass unit
- Dial (9) 999 and report the fire at: Gibson building, Radcliffe Observatory quarter, Woodstock road, Oxford OX2 6GG
- Attack the fire if possible but without taking personal risk.
- Do not use a liquid extinguisher on an electrical fire.
- Leave the building by the nearest exit.
On hearing the alarm
- Leave the building by the nearest exit and close your office door as you leave.
- Do not delay to collect personal belongings.
- Proceed to the fire assembly point, on the large tarmac area next to Jericho Health Centre car park.
- Do not re-enter the building until advised to do so.
First Aid: Gibson Building
If you require a First Aider, Please contact one of the following:
- Jessy Morton - RPC Reception/ Hot desk - Ext (6) 17271
Stephanie Deacon Ext (2) 89298 CTU 1st floor
ROQ FM Team Ext (6) 15396 ROQ Site
OUSS Ext (2) 72944 University Site
Out of hours - contact OU security Services (2) 89999
ALL accidents and incidents must be reported online to Incident reporting and investigation | Safety Office (
Fire: eagle house
Fire alarms are tested regularly every Friday between 9.00 and 10.00 am
If you discover a fire
- Operate the nearest Fire Alarm Call Point.
- Evacuate by the nearest exit, closing all internal doors behind you.
- Report to the Assembly Point located at the Square inside the Lucy residencies area – see diagram below.
On hearing the alarm
- Evacuate by the nearest exit, closing all internal doors behind you.
- DO NOT re-enter the building until told to do so by either a Fire Marshal, Departmental Administrator or University Security Services
- Report to the Assembly Point as above and below
- Assemble in your Groups and ascertain whether anyone is believed to be missing.
- Report any problems to either the Fire Marshals or to University Security Services.
eagle house First Aid
First aid may be obtained during core office hours subject to availability from fully qualified First Aiders and Medical Doctors
- Justin Sharp- Man Institute IT, 1st Floor, Ext (6) 16605
ALL accidents and incidents must be reported online to Incident reporting and investigation | Safety Office (
Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
A variety of ‘work related upper limb disorders’ may be associated with DSE use. Therefore, all users are required to have a DSE assessment to ensure that good ergonomic principles are followed and correct posture is adopted. A list of trained DSE assessors is contained in the SoSO.
Visiting patients/volunteers
If as part of your work you plan to visit patients or volunteers, particularly in their own home, you must meet with Clare Wickings (HR Manager) or Graham Ross /Julie Hamilton (Divisional Safety Officers) and comply with the departmental policy on visiting volunteers in their homes.
Office Security
Please be aware of the security of personal items and departmental equipment. You are advised to lock away personal items such as hand bags and mobile phones in a secure desk drawer, and if you are supplied with Laptops/Notebooks, you are advised to lock them away in a secure drawer when away from the office.
Each office in the Gibson building is lockable and a master set of keys are kept at Reception - contact
Armed attack guidance