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PI name PA contact PA Tel. no. Location of room Capacity of room Equipment in room Day(s) room is usually available Policy of room booking
Andrew Farmer Julia Beese (6)17942 Level 1, Gibson usually 3, possibly 4  Phone but no computer Monday Contact Julia  to book (Lucy can be contacted in Julia's absence)
Catherine Pope

(6) 17844 Mezzanine, level 3  usually 3 

Contact Liz Woolliams

Chris Butler's office

Emily Bongard's office
Yuliia Kozyntseva (6)17769 Gibson usually 3 
Phone. Please use a laptop as you won't be able to log in in Chris's Mac
varies  Contact Zulema to book

Boardroom, level 2, RPC

Usually only available on Fridays

Lucy Curtin via MS Teams chat or (6)17851/2 Boardroom, Level 2 8 max  Computer with inbuilt camera and mic Wednesday but can be available at various times each day Contact the Hobbs PA email to book
Richard Hobbs' office, level 2 by the kitchen Sarah Hewitt via MS teams chat or (6)17852 Level 2, in between lift and kitchen usually 3 Phone but no computer Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Contact Lucy to book.  We need Richard's approval before booking his room
Susan Jebb Jeanette Allsworth (2)89315 Ground floor usually 4-5 Phone but no computer Generally available Monday, Tuesday and Friday Contact Jeanette 
Nicola Small  Sarah Hewitt Via MS Teams chat or (6)17851 Level 2 usually 3 max Phone and computer Available when Nicola is away from the office Contact Claire Garbett or Lucy Curtin to book
Trish Greenhalgh Charlotte Thompson-Grant
via MS Teams or email Level 3  usually 3 max 
Phone, no computer. Bring own laptop if required
Varies, must be booked Contact Charlotte
Sara Shaw/ Chrysanthi Papoutsi Charlotte Thompson-Grant via MS Teams or email Level 2 Small table for 2 people Bring a laptop
Varies, must be booked Contact Charlotte
Sue Ziebland

Liz Woolliams 

(6)17844 Level 3 usually 3 max  Bring a laptop if you need computer access
Availability very limited must be booked Contact Liz (priority given to HERG researchers)
Rafael Perera Nicola Pidduck (6)17843 Level 1 usually 4 max  Phone but no computer Varies so please Teams chat or email Nicola Pidduck Contact Nicola Pidduck
Julia Hippisley-Cox

(2) 89302 Mezzanine usually 4 max  Phone and screen but no computer.  You can bring a laptop to connect to the two monitors,screen and keyboard

Available when Julia is away from the office. Must be booked. Please Teams chat or email Claire

Contact Claire Meadows
Stavros Petrou

Emma McKeown

(6) 17840


usually 4 max 

Phone, no computer.  Desk


Contact Claire Meadows

Carl Heneghan


First floor, RPC

Check with Joanna

large meeting room screen


Contact Joanna Lach

Ben Goldacre


First Floor

Check with Jade



Check with Jade

Gail Hayward


check with Claire