NHS Trust-hosted grant application process
If you are considering a Programme Grant or Research for Patient Benefit application it needs to be lead by an NHS organisation.
If you would like Oxford Health NHS Trust to host then they have requested that we give them a minimum of four weeks notice prior to the submission deadline. We suggest that we extend the same courtesy to Oxfordshire CCG (and OUHT if appropriate). This will enable the NHS trust to ensure that they have the appropriate signatories available.
- The PI should send the grant registration form (https://www.oxfordhealth.nhs.uk/research/toolkit/register-project/) to Oxford Health by 4 weeks prior to funder deadline.
- Oxford Health to approve and inform the department of any costs that will be incurred by Oxford Health, to be added to the application 3 weeks before the funder deadline.
- PI asks the department's grant assistant (pre-award@phc.ox.ac.uk) to create costing including any Oxford Health costs to be submitted to University Research Services for University sign off 2 weeks prior to funder deadline.
- University Research Services checks and approves to department. PI sends Uni approval on to Oxford Health 1 week prior to funder deadline.
- Approval of the final application by Oxford Health in line with the Trusts standing financial instructions (SFI’s). Oxford Health/PI will submit to funder depending on the stage of application.
Also please note:
- If excess treatment costs are anticipated, their identification should be approved by the CRN:TVSM and the investigator should seek agreement to underwrite these from the clinical service.
- If service support costs are anticipated, their identification should be approved by the CRN:TVSM. R&D will discuss funding with the CRN:TVSM.
- Where overheads are not included or linked to the application there may be a need to justify the benefits to the Trust of undertaking this research.
- Your involvement in agreeing study specific elements in the contract may be required, for example if the Trust is subject to any liability for non-delivery.