Opportunity to support Master of Public Policy online seminars, Michaelmas term – call for applications, deadline Monday 21 September 12noon
Would you like to be contribute to excellent teaching on the MPP? Would you like the opportunity to sit in on vibrant, stimulating discussions for either Foundations or Economics?
As part of the Blavatnik School’s response to COVID-19, we are preparing to deliver a number of seminar groups online for MPP students who need to study remotely during Michaelmas term. Each group will be led by a seminar leader and supported by an ‘Online Learning Facilitator’ (OLFs), the very successful model of supporting remote teaching which the School developed in Trinity term. The role of the OLF is to support both the seminar leader and students with any basic technical issues, help the seminar leader manage interactive functions and play a crucial part in ensuring an inclusive, seamless learning experience for MPP students.
We are recruiting a small group of DPhils and seminar leaders to be OLFs and ideally would like a commitment of 1 day per week, to cover either Foundations or Economics seminars. Seminars will be held on Wednesdays (Foundations) and Fridays (Economics) between 9am and 5.30pm BST/GMT, with a total of 6 hours class time during each of those days. Ideally we would welcome flexibility on the day and module you can support (within the School’s policy of a maximum of 10 hours paid work per week). Training will be provided (and you will be paid for this). Payment: £15.37 per hour plus hourly holiday pay.
If you are interested, please send a brief email (2-3 paragraphs) outlining your interest and suitability for the role to charlotte.smith@bsg.ox.ac.uk by 12noon on Monday 21 September.