HERC database of mapping studies, Version 8.0
Dakin H., Abel L.
Database of studies mapping to EQ-5D from other patient-reported outcome measures or clinical instruments. The database presents details of the sample size, modelling methods and patient population, in addition to the citation details and source instruments that are mapped in each of the 194 studies meeting the inclusion criteria. An article summarising the methods of the literature review and the results for version 6.0 has been published in Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, updating the older article on version 2.0 of the database. The current version (8.0) is based on searches conducted in March 2020; the database will be updated approximately annually as new studies are published. The database aims to provide a readily-accessible collection of all studies mapping to EQ-5D that is easy to search and filter. We anticipate that this will be useful for: ◾Those who wish to identify mapping studies to estimate utilities for cost-utility analyses and/or decision-analytical models constructed for publication or for submissions to health technology assessment (HTA) organisations, such as NICE, SMC, CADTH or PBAC. ◾Authors, editors or reviewers who wish to assess the novelty of a new mapping study. ◾Those conducting systematic reviews of methods for estimating utilities or QALYs. ◾Those seeking to identify the estimation models and sample sizes currently used in mapping studies and identify new developments for further research.