Face-to-face versus remote and web 2.0 interventions for promoting physical activity
Richards J., Foster C., Thorogood M., Hillsdon M., Kaur A., Wickramasinghe KK., Wedatilake T.
© 2013 The Cochrane Collaboration. This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: Primary: To compare the effectiveness of face-to-face versus remote and web 2.0 interventions for PA promotion in community dwelling adults (aged 16 years and above). The influence of delivering the intervention to a group versus individually versus mixed (combined group and individually) will also be assessed. Secondary: If sufficient data exists, the following secondary objectives will be explored: to assess how the professional delivering the intervention (for example health professional, exercise specialist) influences the effectiveness in changing PA; to assess how the intensity of the intervention delivery (for example frequency, duration of contact) influences the effectiveness in changing PA; to assess how the prescription of the intervention (for example duration, frequency, intensity) influences the effectiveness in changing PA.