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© 2017 Arthroscopy Association of North America The purpose of this Technical Note is to introduce a surgical technique using a fluid pressure pump, mid-lateral portal, and radiofrequency ablation for visualization, assessment, and subsequent, accurate/adequate removal of patellofemoral articular lesions for the treatment of patellofemoral compartment pathology. With the patient in the supine position, and an inflated thigh tourniquet, standard lateral and medial portals are made. The medial-femoral compartment, notch, lateral-femoral compartment, and patellofemoral compartments are assessed. If pathology is seen within the patellofemoral compartment, a mid-lateral portal is made if chondral pathology cannot be addressed thoroughly. Addressing chondral pathology to achieve chondral stability is then performed using a combination of the radiofrequency ablator and chondrotome. This technique provides greater visibility and access to accurately and thoroughly smooth chondral pathology.

Original publication




Journal article


Arthroscopy Techniques

Publication Date





e1879 - e1883