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Self-monitoring blood pressure in Pregnancy: Evaluation of health professional experiences of the BUMP trials

Journal article

Chisholm A. et al, (2024), Pregnancy Hypertension, 35, 88 - 95

Street Voice: Can Citizens' Juries help tackle urban sustainability challenges?

Journal article

Chisholm A. et al, (2023), Science Talks, 8, 100254 - 100254

‘Team ethnography visual maps’: Methods for identifying the ethnographic object in multiple sites of fieldwork

Journal article

Parkin S. et al, (2021), Ethnography, 146613812110383 - 146613812110383

Gender in the consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) checklist

Journal article

Albury C. et al, (2021), International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 33

How do frontline staff use patient experience data for service improvement? Findings from an ethnographic case study evaluation

Journal article

Locock L. et al, (2020), Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 25, 151 - 161

Wild data: how front-line hospital staff make sense of patients’ experiences

Journal article

Montgomery CM. et al, (2020), Sociology of Health and Illness, 42, 1424 - 1440

Household decision-making for everyday travel: a case study of walking and cycling in Lancaster (UK)

Journal article

Pooley CG. et al, (2011), JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 19, 1601 - 1607