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Patient buy-in to social prescribing through link workers as part of person-centred care: a realist evaluation.

Journal article

Tierney S. et al, (2024), Health Soc Care Deliv Res, 1 - 17

Fitting in or belonging: emerging findings from a realist evaluation of social prescribing link workers in primary care

Journal article

Tierney S. et al, (2023), The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 73

Self-growth, wellbeing and volunteering - Implications for social prescribing: A qualitative study

Journal article

Turk A. et al, (2022), SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 2, 100061 - 100061

Social prescribing for older people and the role of the cultural sector during the COVID-19 pandemic: What are link workers' views and experiences?

Journal article

Tierney S. et al, (2022), Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, e5305 - e5313

Deprescribing medicines in older people living with multimorbidity and polypharmacy: the TAILOR evidence synthesis

Journal article

Reeve J. et al, (2022), Health Technology Assessment, 26, 1 - 148

Broadening diversity through creative involvement to identify research priorities

Journal article

Tierney S. et al, (2021), Research Involvement and Engagement, 7

Social prescribing in NHS primary care: what are the ethical considerations?

Journal article

BROWN R. et al, (2020), Milbank Quarterly

Social prescribing in NHS primary care: what are the ethical considerations?

Journal article

BROWN R. et al, (2020), Milbank Quarterly

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