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Journal article

FERREY A. et al, (2022), Journal of Mental Health & Clinical Psychology

Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing in Managing Overweight and Obesity A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Journal article

Michalopoulou M. et al, (2022), Annals of Internal Medicine, 175, 838 - 850

Planning and optimising a digital intervention to protect older adults’ cognitive health

Journal article

Essery R. et al, (2021), Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7

Parents’ experience and psychoeducation needs when supporting a young person who self-harms

Journal article

Krysinska K. et al, (2020), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17

Body mass index in midlife and risk of attempted suicide and suicide: prospective study of 1 million UK women

Journal article

Geulayov G. et al, (2019), Psychological Medicine, 49, 2279 - 2286

Motivational interviewing for smoking cessation

Journal article

Lindson N. et al, (2019), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2019

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