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Ethnographic closeness: methodological reflections on the interplay of engagement and detachment in immersive ethnographic research

Journal article

Pilbeam C. et al, (2023), Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 29, 820 - 839

Living well while providing support: validation of LTCQ-Carer for assessing informal carers’ quality of life

Journal article

Potter CM. et al, (2023), Quality of Life Research, 32, 3507 - 3520

Social prescribing for older people and the role of the cultural sector during the COVID-19 pandemic: What are link workers' views and experiences?

Journal article

Tierney S. et al, (2022), Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, e5305 - e5313

Paternal origins of obesity: Emerging evidence for incorporating epigenetic pathways into the social determinants of health framework

Journal article

Milliken-Smith S. and Potter CM., (2021), Social Science and Medicine, 271

Gender in the consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) checklist

Journal article

Albury C. et al, (2021), International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 33

Rasch analysis of the long-term conditions questionnaire (LTCQ) and development of a short-form (LTCQ-8)

Journal article

Batchelder L. et al, (2020), Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 18

Estimating EQ-5D utilities based on the Short-Form Long Term Conditions Questionnaire (LTCQ-8)

Journal article

Tsiachristas A. et al, (2020), Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 18

Self-efficacy and health-related quality of life: A cross-sectional study of primary care patients with multi-morbidity

Journal article

Peters M. et al, (2019), Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 17

Further structural validation of the Long-Term Conditions Questionnaire (LTCQ): formation of the Rasch 8-item LTCQ short-form (LTCQ-8)

Conference paper

Batchelder L. et al, (2018), QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH, 27, S112 - S113

Living well while providing support: adaptation of the Long-Term Conditions Questionnaire (LTCQ) to develop LTCQ-Carer

Conference paper

Potter C. et al, (2018), QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH, 27, S174 - S174

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