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Fitting in or belonging: emerging findings from a realist evaluation of social prescribing link workers in primary care

Journal article

Tierney S. et al, (2023), The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 73

Social prescribing in the NHS-is it too soon to judge its value?

Journal article

Westlake D. et al, (2023), BMJ

Impact of COVID-19 on social prescribing across an Integrated Care System: A Researcher in Residence study

Journal article

Westlake D. et al, (2022), Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, e4086 - e4094

Admission Decision-Making in Hospital Emergency Departments: The Role of the Accompanying Person

Journal article

Rance S. et al, (2020), Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 7

Complexity in simple tasks: A qualitative analysis of GPs’ completion of long-term incapacity forms

Journal article

Hiscock J. et al, (2009), Primary Health Care Research and Development, 10, 254 - 269

UK general practitioner behaviour and attitudes in the provision of medical evidence for long-term sickness benefit

Conference paper

Hiscock J. et al, (2005), EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 15, 137 - 137

Child protection and health promotion: Whose responsibility?

Journal article

Westlake D. and Pearson M., (1997), Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 19, 139 - 158