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Association between smoking, e-cigarette use and severe COVID-19: A cohort study

Journal article

Gao M. et al, (2022), International Journal of Epidemiology, 51, 1062 - 1072

Blood eosinophils to guide inhaled maintenance therapy in a primary care COPD population

Journal article

Ashdown HF. et al, (2022), ERJ Open Research, 8

Changes in GFR and Albuminuria in Routine Clinical Practice and the Risk of Kidney Disease Progression

Journal article

Neuen BL. et al, (2021), American Journal of Kidney Diseases

Oseltamivir and influenza-related complications in children: A retrospective cohort in primary care

Journal article

Lee JJ. et al, (2020), European Respiratory Journal, 56

Change in Albuminuria and Risk of Renal and Cardiovascular Outcomes: Natural Variation Should Be Taken into Account

Journal article

Smith M. et al, (2018), Kidney International Reports, 3, 939 - 949

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