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The Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Consequences of a School-Based Social Worker Intervention: A Within-Trial Economic Evaluation

Journal article

Schroeder E-A. et al, (2024), Children and Youth Services Review, 107928 - 107928

Nurse-delivered sleep restriction therapy to improve insomnia disorder in primary care: the HABIT RCT

Journal article

Kyle SD. et al, (2024), Health Technology Assessment, 1 - 107

Comparative cost-effectiveness of termination of resuscitation rules for patients transported in cardiac arrest

Journal article

Ahmad Khan K. et al, (2024), Resuscitation, 110274 - 110274

Family Group Conference Provision in UK Local Authorities and Associations with Children Looked after Rates

Journal article

Wood S. et al, (2024), The British Journal of Social Work

Reimagining the relationship between economics and health- WHO 'Health for all' provisions.

Journal article

Petrou S. and Jakovljevic M., (2024), Cost effectiveness and resource allocation : C/E, 22

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