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Young adults’ experiences of biographical retrogression whilst living with long COVID

Journal article

Hunt K. et al, (2024), Sociology of Health & Illness

‘They are one of us’: How disability training affects health workers' attitudes and actions towards disabled people in Ghana

Journal article

Rotenberg S. et al, (2024), SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 5

The double invisibility of Long Covid in children.

Journal article

Wild C. et al, (2024), Soc Sci Med, 347

Evidence for Access: Systematic Scoping Review of Access Systems in General Practice.

Journal article

Eccles A. et al, (2024), Br J Gen Pract

Not just surveys and indicators: narratives capture what really matters for health system strengthening

Journal article

Oluoch D. et al, (2023), The Lancet Global Health, 11, e1459 - e1463

Explicit resistance within unsolicited conversations about weight in primary care

Journal article

Tremblett M. et al, (2023), Patient Education and Counselling

The Basis of Patient Resistance to Opportunistic Discussions About Weight in Primary Care

Journal article

Tremblett M. et al, (2023), Health Communication

Talking delicately: Providing opportunistic weight loss advice to people living with obesity.

Journal article

Tremblett M. et al, (2022), SSM Qual Res Health, 2

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