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Safety implications of remote assessments for suspected COVID-19: qualitative study in UK primary care

Journal article

Wieringa S. et al, (2023), BMJ Quality and Safety, 32, 732 - 741

The ecomap: a tool for extending understanding in hermeneutic phenomenological research

Journal article

Jestico ECL. et al, (2023), Nurse Researcher

Could expanding the covid-19 case definition improve the UK’s pandemic response?


FINLAY T. et al, (2021), BMJ: British Medical Journal

Could expanding the covid-19 case definition improve the UK's pandemic response?

Journal article

Crozier A. et al, (2021), The BMJ, 374

Frameworks for supporting patient and public involvement in research: Systematic review and co-design pilot

Journal article

Greenhalgh T. et al, (2019), Health Expectations, 22, 785 - 801

Making the most of the waiting room: Electronic patient engagement, a mixed methods study.

Journal article

Coathup V. et al, (2018), Digit Health, 4

Participant-Centric Initiatives and Medical Research: Scoping Review Protocol.

Journal article

Coathup V. et al, (2017), JMIR Res Protoc, 6

Testing the NHS: the tensions between personalized and collective medicine produced by personal genomics in the UK

Journal article

Finlay T., (2017), New Genetics and Society, 36, 227 - 249

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