MUTHI (Multidisciplinary University Traditional Health Initiative)
This is an EU-funded project which aims to strengthen capacity for research on traditional herbal medicines within African universities. The project is led by the University of Oslo and the consortium involves the universities of Amsterdam, Bamako (Mali), Makerere (Uganda), Free State and Western Cape (South Africa).
Our team is collaborating with these universities to train African researchers on clinical trial methodology, ethnobotany and intellectual property rights. The aim is to empower African researchers to develop novel medicines for priority diseases, from African medicinal plants, which will be locally available and affordable.
The project was featured recently in Scientific American (June 2014).
Further information
- MUTHI project website
- Gifts of Health
- Global Traditional Medicine
or contact Merlin Willcox
MUTHI Clinical trials workshop: 8th - 12th august 2014
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria READ MORE