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Elena Tsompanaki


DPhil Candidate

I am an HCPC registered dietitian with research interests in type 2 diabetes, behavioural interventions and the impact of weight loss programmes on mental health and disordered eating.

I am currently a DPhil candidate under the supervision of Professor Paul Aveyard, Dr Dimitrios Koutoukidis and Professor Rebecca Park. During my DPhil, I aim to investigate the impact of total diet replacement for type 2 diabetes remission on disorder eating, by conducting a clinical trial to monitor the changes in disordered eating symptoms during the programme. I will also collect qualitative data on the experiences of participants during the programme. I was awarded the 2021 Novo Nordisk Research Foundation Fellowship in Clinical Diabetes to fund my research and pursue my DPhil. 

I have previously worked as a senior Specialist dietitian in two hospitals in London (Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust), where I had the opportunity to conduct service evaluations in various specialties to improve patient care, in addition to my clinical role. I was also the Research Champion for Dietetics, as I aspire to encourage more Allied Healthcare Professionals to be involved in research. My first post in the NHS was a dietetic research assistant role, investigating the gastrointestinal tolerance of pre-digested feeds in critically ill patients.

Prior to working as a clinical dietitian, I completed my MSc in Clinical and Public Health Nutrition at UCL with distinction. My MSc thesis focused on the impact of diet on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Prior to my MSc, I completed my undergraduate training on Nutritional Science and Dietetics in Harokopio University of Athens.