Kathy Taylor
Medical Statistician
My research has focused on long term conditions, in particular heart disease, diabetes and kidney disease. I have expertise in quantitative analysis, systematic reviews, meta-analysis and working on large datasets.
My blog on tips for data extraction in meta-analysis is hosted by the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine. The aim of this blog is to highlight and illustrate the various resources that are available for extracting data for meta-analysis.Through twitter I promote the blog and also draw attention to other examples of people attempting to make statistics more accessible.
I teach on the Meta-analysis module and the Essential Medical Statisics module of the Evidence Based Health Care, Medical Statistics and Systematic Review Masters programmes. I am also the Statistics Coordinator of the DPhil Training Programme.
Recent publications
Journal article
Scragg J. et al, (2024), Ann Intern Med
Journal article
Meeraus W. et al, (2024), Journal of Infection, 88
Journal article
Kar D. et al, (2024), Journal of Medical Internet Research
Taylor KS. et al, (2024)
Journal article
Goyder CR. et al, (2023), ESC Heart Failure, 10, 1643 - 1655