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Lucy Cureton

Senior Trial Manager


Senior Trial Manager

I joined the Primary Care CTU as a Senior Trial Manager in June 2022,  predominantly to work on the PANORAMIC study. PANORAMIC is an adaptive platform trial aimed at finding early treatments for COVID-19 by evaluating new antiviral treatments in the community, reducing hospital admissions and easing the burden on the healthcare system.

During my 17+ years at University of Oxford, I have worked in several different trials units as part of trial management teams, mainly focussing on multicentre CTIMPs across a variety of disciplines. In April 2020, I started working on COVID trials and gained a large amount of knowledge of setting up trials quickly, electronically and under the pressure of a pandemic.

I am a member of the Athena Swan committee representing the CTU, and I am also a proud LGBT+ Ally. The University of Oxford is proud to celebrate the achievements of our many LGBT staff and students and their contributions to this University, both past and present.© Shutterstock