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Luke Robles

BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD

Post-doctoral Mixed Methods Researcher

My work focuses on understanding missed opportunities in primary care for diagnosing cancer. I am the lead researcher at Oxford on the Missed Opportunities and Diagnostic Error (MODE) study funded by the NIHR School of Primary Care Research, which is a collaborative study with the University of Exeter and Queen Mary University of London.  

I use qualitative methods to understand the patient journey from non-cancer diagnosis to subsequent diagnosis of cancer from the perspectives of those working in primary care. My work will help inform the development of interventions aimed at reducing the time from initial presentation (non-cancer diagnosis) to cancer diagnosis. 

I joined the Cancer theme, NDPCHS in 2023. Prior to this, I worked at the University of Bristol where I led RCTs on intermediate biomarkers associated with prostate cancer outcomes as part of the NIHR Bristol Biomedical Research Centre.

My main research interests are:

  • Behavioural interventions
  • Evidence synthesis
  • Health Psychology