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Nguyen Tran


Senior Trial Manager

I joined the CTU as a Senior Trial Manager since August 2022. I am currently overseeing and working on the following projects/studies:

  • ECRAID-Base POS-ARI-PC  - Perpetual Observational Study (POS) of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) in primary care settings (PC) across Europe
  • ECRAID-Prime  - European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases - PRIMary care adaptive platform trial for pandemics and Epidemics
  • SuMMiT-D  - investigating the use of text messages to support people with management of Type 2 Diabetes

I am a tutor and facilitator on the Clinical Trial Management module of the MSc in Evidenced-Based Health Care.

Before joining the PC-CTU I worked for several years as Clinical Trial Project Manager at the Jenner Institute, Centre for Clinical Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine, University of Oxford. I was responsible for the management of a portfolio of vaccine trials within the Malaria and the Emerging Pathogens (MERS, ZIKA, Rift Valley Fever, Ebola and COVID-19) themes in the UK and overseas.