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I was awarded my PGCert in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education from the University of Oxford in 2022 and am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

I am an Associate Lecturer for Cochrane UK, and teach on their courses for Cochrane Review Authors.

I am a module co-ordinator for the Systematic Reviews module of the University of Oxford's MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care. I also teach on other modules and the Medical School's Medicine programme.

I supervise undergraduate, MSc and DPhil students and provide pastoral care for Kellogg College students. My current DPhil students are carrying out research into the effects of quitting smoking on cardiovascular disease, the potential impact of smoking cessation treatments on socioeconomic equalities, and culturally tailoring smoking cessation interventions.

Declarations of Interest

My salary is funded by Cancer Research UK (project grant), the NIH, Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership (project grant) and the University of Oxford (teaching). I have no affiliation with the tobacco or e-cigarette industry.

Nicola Lindson

BSc PGCert MSc PhD CPsychol FHEA

Associate Professor

  • Module Co-ordinator for University of Oxford 'Systematic Reviews' module
  • Board of Directors - Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (Member Delegate for Europe)
  • Chartered Psychologist
  • Associate Editor for Addiction (journal)
  • Research Member of Common Room, Kellogg College

My research is internationally recognised and focuses on tobacco addiction and smoking cessation interventions. I am lead of the Oxford Tobacco Addiction Group (OxTAG) based within the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences. I have achieved funding for, been involved in developing, and managed large multi-centre randomised controlled trials. In 2011 I received the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine's (UKSBM) Early Career Award, and I was awarded my doctorate, examining new approaches to smoking cessation (smoking reduction and nicotine preloading) by the University of Birmingham in 2012. I have worked in Primary Care since I completed my MSc in Research Methods, and as well as smoking and tobacco have also investigated ways to aid GPs in identifying patients with medically unexplained symptoms (MUS).

In 2016 I was the Principal Investigator of a stakeholder engagement prioritisation project, funded by the NIHR School for Primary Care Research (CTAG taps), which went on to inform the funding priorities of the NIHR and the French National Cancer Institute.

I am currently co-PI of a project to carry out a Living Cochrane systematic review of 'Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation'. More information on the project is available here, and a podcast (Let's Talk E-cigarettes) exploring our findings can be accessed here, as well as through Apple podcasts and Spotify. I am also a co-applicant on the Center for the assessment of tobacco regulations (CAsToR) TCORS 3.0 awarded for 5 years by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2023. I am leading the work being carried out in Oxford conducting evidence synthesis to inform modelling being carried out by the wider team. More information on this is available here.

I am also leading a programme of work investigating how best to help people in financial difficulties and/or in lower socio economic groups to quit smoking within services designed to provide financial guidance or assistance. So far, this involves a scoping review, two service evaluations (one within social housing and another within Citizens Advice Bureaus) and a project using stakeholder engagement designing and piloting new interventions in social housing.

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