Department events and activities
The Department hosts a number of social and research-related events throughout the year that you are more than welcome to attend. In particular, our regular coffee breaks are an excellent chance to meet and catch up with colleagues from across your building.
Coffee Breaks
Typically, informal coffee breaks take place on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10.30am across the Gibson (1st Floor Common Room) and Radcliffe Primary Care (Ground Floor Atrium) Buildings. Refreshments are provided, and occasionally department members will use these to host a charity bake sale or other light-hearted activities. With the buildings currently closed, there are still some virtual team-wide and department-wide coffee breaks taking place. Ask your team for details.
Talk about research
Our research seminars and journal clubs bring together our multidisciplinary research teams to share research findings, chat about a paper or discuss new ideas. We also invite external speakers and use host training sessions.
> Find a seminar
Christmas Party
Our themed Christmas parties, with a College dinner and disco, give you the opportunity to raid your dressing-up box and get into the festive spirit with fellow colleagues and students.
Better Workplace Groups
Better Workplace Groups meet to discuss and develop new initiatives that help make our department a better place to work and achieve our Athena SWAN and Green Impact objectives. All department members are encouraged to join a group. > Find out more
Department Summer Party
Every two years we host a College garden party for staff and students to gather for drinks, a BBQ and garden games with their partners and families.
Open Meetings
An opportunity to hear updates from our Head of Department and find out what other research groups are doing, as well as a chance to get your own questions answered.
Oxford Research Staff Society
A collective voice for researchers employed by the University of Oxford. The Society also organise social and professional networking activities across departments and divisions.
> Find out more
Professional Services Conferences
Open to all staff who work at the University of Oxford, in particular in administrative and support roles, the Professional Services Conference Series includes introductory training sessions, university briefings on a range of topics and networking opportunities.
> Find out more