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Eating for an environmentally sustainable future

Helen Adams, Public Engagement Coordinator for the Livestock, Environment and People (LEAP) project, introduces the project and writes about the team’s first foray into public engagement at Super Science Saturday in March 2018. Outreach is not just a lot of fun, but can help influence the research too…

Are you trying to lose weight? Make it a success with science, scales and apps

DPhil student Kerstin Frie takes us on a whistle stop tour of weight trackers and compares their features and user reviews.

Let's Talk About Weight

Kate Farrington interviews SPCR doctoral student Charlotte Albury, who is a contributing author on Public Health England's step-by-step guide to conversations about weight management with children and families for health and care professionals.

Diet, identity and dopamine

Chef Tom Kerridge visited Oxford during this year's Oxfordshire Science Festival to talk about his diet with Professor Susan Jebb and an audience at the Sheldonian Theatre. Rebecca Nourse gives us the lowdown.

Why doing good can do you good

Jeremy Howick explores the health benefits of doing kind deeds.

ALL for public consumption

The public can take many roles in research - particularly in projects where the aim is to co-create. Dr Lindson-Hawley describes her experience of engaging the public in their many forms in a project aiming to set new priorities for tobacco addiction researchers.

Trials, tobacco and talking points

Ben Cranfield gives us a flavour of some of the projects he has been working on in the department.

The latest on tobacco research, courtesy of the Oxford Returning Carers’ Fund

Jamie Hartmann-Boyce, who has recently returned to the department following maternity leave, writes about her experiences of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) conference in Chicago.

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