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Professor Richard Hobbs, Head of Department, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences
Professor Richard Hobbs, Head of Department, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences

Oxford University’s £14m plans to redevelop the Outpatients Building at the former Radcliffe Infirmary in central Oxford have been approved.

The vision is to restore the Grade-II listed former outpatients’ building in Woodstock Road as a new home for the Nuffield Department for Primary Care Health Sciencesrenewing a health presence in the building into the 21st century. The development will provide the very best facilities to support vital research and teaching, and enhance the experience of primary care staff and students.

It is hoped the building will open in 2015.

The department has grown significantly over the past two or three years. We have been successful in terms of the ranking of the quality of our research and teaching. It is largely the inevitable consequence of being a successful department that we need more staff. - Professor Richard Hobbs, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford


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