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From midwifery to doctoral research: Lucy Goddard's journey and advice for aspiring scholars

In this blog, recent DPhil graduate Lucy Goddard shares her journey from midwifery to completing her DPhil, highlighting her challenges and successes. She offers advice on embracing uncertainty, maintaining work-life balance, and trusting the learning process.

Identifying a need: developing recognition for PPI staff in health research

Uncovering the hidden work of Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) and trialling innovative solutions to empower PPI staff and enhance public partnerships.

The Bennett Institute accepts a prestigious Medical Research Council award

The Bennett Institute received the Open Science Impact award as part of the Medical Research Council (MRC) Impact Prize, recognising their work on OpenSAFELY. This project addresses three key challenges: conducting research on private health records while maintaining privacy, demonstrating the productivity of trusted research environments, and promoting open collaboration.

Helping researchers think about policy engagement: introducing the UK Health and Care Evidence Ecosystem Interactive Map

Discover the UK Health and Care Evidence Ecosystem Interactive Map: A new tool helping primary care researchers engage with policymakers and increase research impact. Learn how to navigate the health policy landscape effectively.

Alcohol Awareness Week: Understanding alcohol calorie labelling

Alcohol awareness week is an annual campaign that focuses on raising awareness of the harms and dangers of alcohol consumption, with this year’s focus being ‘understanding alcohol harm’. Here, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences researcher Ethan Knight discusses the research being conducted by the Sustainable Healthy Food Group, investigating the impact of energy labelling on alcohol products and the potential implications of this research.

A role model, a book recommendation, and a reflection…

MSc in Global Healthcare Leadership student Isra AlBastaki shares a thought-provoking reflection on a conversation with a mentor that led to the discovery of a transformative book, ‘The Fifth Discipline’ by Peter M. Senge. Isra offers a rich perspective on leadership and organisational dynamics. Understanding complex health systems is a key theme of the MSc in Global Healthcare Leadership, jointly run by the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences and the Saïd Business School. Read more about Isra’s learning journey within the programme below.

Highlights from CRUKs Early Diagnosis Conference 2024

Researchers from our Cancer Theme recently attended this year's Cancer Research UK Early Diagnosis Conference in Birmingham, which focused on the theme 'Driving Evidence into Practice'. Here, Brian Nicholson, lead of our Cancer Theme, shares highlights from the event.

Early Onset Cancer and the Importance of Early Diagnosis

Cancer in the under 50s, known as early-onset cancer, is on the rise but the reasons behind this are complex. Here, Dr Sharon Tonner from our Cancer Theme Group discusses the increase and outlines the teams work to identify non-invasive tests which could be implemented in primary care to diagnose cancer at an early stage, when the best treatment options are available.

World no tobacco day: helping people in greatest need to quit deadly tobacco cigarettes

Tobacco remains a leading cause of death and disease globally. Yet, in the UK the least-advantaged groups in society are the most likely to be impacted, making tobacco use a significant driver of health inequalities across our population. This World No Tobacco Day, researcher Annika Theodoulou, discusses her work examining different stop smoking interventions and trends in smoking behaviours.

Assessing the safety of COVID-19 vaccination in children

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of children globally with major health, social and educational consequences. Vaccines are one of the first lines of defense against infectious diseases. However, the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination were less clear cut in children compared to adults. New research from NDPCHS explores the safety of the different COVID-19 vaccines for children and young people.

New risk tool could identify people with new-onset diabetes at highest risk for pancreatic cancer

Adults with new-onset type 2 diabetes are a group at higher risk for pancreatic cancer. A study led by NDPCHS and funded by Pancreatic Cancer UK has developed a new risk model that could offer more nuanced risk estimates than current guidance and aid referral of people with newly diagnosed diabetes for further testing.

Community Pharmacy and General Practice Collaboration and Integration: what works, when and why?

Community Pharmacy and General Practice have worked alongside each other for many years. Recent UK National Health Service policies have sought to encourage community pharmacies to increase services for patients. Many assume this will reduce GP workload, but this is not inevitable.

Global reflections – how Nigeria is building health security resilience from ideas to impact

In the wake of COVID-19 exposing vulnerabilities in pandemic preparedness globally, Nigeria is taking proactive measures to fortify its health security resilience through the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC). This piece, written by a current student provides an in-depth look at the innovative strategies and tailored approaches NCDC is implementing to address vulnerabilities.

International Nurses Day: 'Embrace the opportunities'

In celebration of International Nurses Day, Bernadette Mundy, a Senior Clinical Research Nurse in our Clinical Trials Unit, shares her career experiences from nursing in community settings to working in clinical research.

Student perspectives on leveraging digital health for better patient care and a greener healthcare system

Digital health technologies are transforming the healthcare landscape, offering opportunities to enhance patient outcomes whilst promoting environmental sustainability. This article examines how innovative digital health initiatives can be leveraged to improve care delivery and access, prevent medical errors, empower patients for self-care, enable data-driven personalised treatments, and optimise clinical interactions - all while reducing the carbon footprint of the healthcare system.

Building cancer services equitably in primary care

Despite recent improvements in cancer survival in the UK, there has been little reduction in equalities in accessing care or in alleviating causes attributed to socioeconomic factors. Here, researchers from the NDPCHS Cancer Theme Group discuss nationwide initiatives, research and approaches which all aim to reduce the ongoing inequalities in cancer care.

Better together? Group consultations in the NHS

The TOGETHER 2 study, run by NDPCHS researchers in collaboration with the Universities of Exeter and York, aims to evaluate the implementation, impact and cost-effectiveness of video and hybrid group consultations compared to individual care. Here, the researchers Gary Abel, Claire Reidy, and Chrysanthi Papoutsi, discuss high-level findings from their scoping survey, assessing to what extent group consultations are carried out and in what formats.

Celebrating diversity – an introduction to Nigerian students on the Oxford MGHL Masters

The MSc in Global Healthcare Leadership (MGHL) programme welcomes diversity with open arms, including Nigerian participants who bring unique perspectives and experiences to the cohort. Written by members of cohort 2, this piece celebrates the rich cultural tapestry and academic excellence that our Nigerian students contribute to the MGHL community.

Ends and new beginnings: Research on the social prescribing link worker role

In recognition of Social Prescribing Day, Thursday 14 March 2024, Stephanie Tierney from the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, University of Oxford reflects on a study that has recently finished on the implementation of the link worker role, and on another that is in progress on this topic.

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