I am thrilled to win the Yvonne Carter Award this year, not least because it celebrates the life of an inspirational leader. The award will enable me to travel to Denmark where the use of alternative methods of consultation are more widespread than in the UK. I hope this will provide valuable context and information that will be applicable in UK primary care. It will also allow me to build international research collaborations.
- Helen Atherton
Helen Atherton has been awarded the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Clinical Innovation & Research Centre (CIRC) Yvonne Carter Award for Outstanding New Researcher.
The award panel, consisting of members of the RCGP Scientific Foundation Board and the Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) were impressed by Helen's work and leadership within the field of e-health care as well as her commitment to supporting and developing the wider discipline. This years field was extraordinarily competitive, with candidates demonstrating significant commitment and achievements that left that panel in agreement that the future of primary care research is in safe hands, quoting the panel; “primary care’s early career researchers sparkle brightly”.
Helen's fellowship is funded by the NIHR School for Primary Care Research.