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Williams V, Tarassenko L and Farmer A (2015). Patient experience of using a digital health application for self-management support in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Society for Academic Primary Care Annual Conference 8th-10th July 2015; Oxford, UK

Williams V, Hardinge M, Ryan S and Farmer A (2014). Patients’ experience of identifying and managing exacerbations in COPD – a qualitative study. Society for Social Medicine, annual meeting 10th-12th September 2014; Oxford, UK

Velardo C, Shah S, Gibson O, Rutter H, Farmer A and Tarassenko L (2014). Automatic generation of personalised alert thresholds for patients with COPD. EUSIPCO, September 2014; Lisbon

Shah S, Velardo C, Gibson O, Rutter H, Farmer A and Tarassenko L (2014). Personalised alerts for patients with COPD using pulse oximetry and symptom scores. 36th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, August 2014; Chicago, USA

Hardinge M, Rutter H, Williams V, Toms C, Velardo C, Tarassenko L, Farmer A and EDGE COPD team (2014). Using a mobile health application to support self-management In COPD - a cohort feasibility study’American Thoracic Society, annual conference May 2014; San Diego, USA

Hardinge M, Rutter H, Velardo C, Toms C, Williams V, Tarassenko L, Farmer A on behalf of the EDGE COPD team (2014). Using a mobile health application to support self-management in COPD - development of alert thresholds derived from variability in self-reported and measured clinical variables. American Thoracic Society, annual conference May 2014; San Diego, USA

Williams V, Price J, Hardinge M, Tarassenko L and Farmer A (2013), Managing chronic illness using tele-health: ‘“Too old to bother”?  British Society of Gerontology, Annual Conference 11th-13th September 2013; Oxford, UK

Williams V, Rutter H, Toms C, Tarassenko L and Farmer A on behalf of the EDGE COPD team (2013). Exploring patients’ perspectives of an mHealth application: a qualitative study as part of EDGE COPD. The King’s Fund, Third Annual Congress on Telehealth and Telecare, 1st-3rd July 2013, London, UK

Further information:

Full project title:

sElf management anD support proGrammE (EDGE) for COPD.
A randomised controlled trial of a multi-component mobile-health based intervention compared with usual care to improve outcomes in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Funded by:

Department of Health

Wellcome Trust Logo

Funded under the Health Innovation Challenge Fund Award (HICF-1010-032)


  • The Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBME) - Professor Lionel Tarassenko
  • Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
  • Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Dr Maxine Hardinge
  • Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust - Dr Grace Robinson
  • Department of Psychiatry - Dr Johnathan Price
Ethical approval:

REC number: 12/SC/0437 NRES South Central Berkshire
Approval received: 26th September 2012

Study conducted by the Primary Care Clinical Trials Unit