Preferences for the management of hypertension – online survey
Potential risks
No risks are anticipated from taking part in the study. If you feel uncomfortable with a question, you can skip that question or withdraw from the study altogether. If you have any questions about the study before you decide to take part please contact the researchers using the details below.
You are free to withdraw your participation at any time, without giving a reason, and without penalty. If you decide to quit before you complete the survey, your answers will not be recorded.
Survey data will be anonymous and will not be passed beyond the research team. Data will be stored in line with the Data Protection Act (i.e. on a password protected hard-drive and records deleted after 3 years).
Your personal details will be kept confidential and will never be published. The research has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance through, the University of Oxford Central University Research Ethics Committee.
What if there is a problem?
If you have a concern about any aspect of this project, please contact the researcher (Ben Fletcher, tel. no. 01865 289323; Email, who will do his best to answer your query.
The researcher should acknowledge your concern within 10 working days and give you an indication of how he intends to deal with it. If you remain unhappy or wish to make a formal complaint, please contact the chair of the Research Ethics Committee at the University of Oxford (Chair, Medical Sciences Inter-Divisional Research Ethics Committee; Email:; Address: Research Services, University of Oxford, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD). The chair will seek to resolve the matter in a reasonably expeditious manner.
Dissemination of results
The University of Oxford is committed to the dissemination of its research for the benefit of society and the economy and, in support of this commitment, has established an online archive of research materials. This archive includes digital copies of student theses successfully submitted as part of a University of Oxford postgraduate degree programme. Holding the archive online gives easy access for researchers to the full text of freely available theses, thereby increasing the likely impact and use of that research.
If you agree to participate in this project, the research will be written up as a thesis. On successful submission of the thesis, it will deposited both in print and online in the University archives, to facilitate its use in future research. The thesis will be published with open access. We also plan to publish the results in scientific journal.
If you wish to be contacted with the results of the research there is a link at the end of the survey where you can leave your contact details.