Type 2 diabetes interview study (NewDAWN)
We’d like to chat to people about their experience living with type 2 diabetes. This page has information to help you decide whether to participate in the NewDAWN interview study. Please feel free to discuss this study with friends, family and others, and please ask if anything is unclear or you would like more information. Watch this short video to find out a bit more about the study and meet the researchers.
Contact details
About the project
Weight loss can help people who are overweight and recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (T2D) to achieve remission. Total diet replacement (TDR) programmes are only suitable for a small proportion of people. Understanding what factors influence the experience living with T2D can give us a fuller picture of what support might be put in place to help more people achieve remission from T2D.
In this project we’d like to chat with you (called a ‘research interview’) to find out about what it’s like for you to live with type 2 diabetes, and what is important and what matters to you. The purpose of this study is to chat to people with T2D to understand their choices and preferences when making weight loss attempts.
The decision to take part is entirely up to you. Your decision will not in any way affect the care or treatment of your diabetes. We fully appreciate that for some people, participation might not be the right thing for them. You can ask questions if you’re not sure about something.
Further information
This research is organised by the University of Oxford and is being funded by the National Institute for Health Research Programme Grants for Applied Research and Diabetes UK.
To protect your interests, this research has been reviewed by the Medical Sciences Interdivisional Research Ethics Committee at the University of Oxford and given a favourable opinion, ref R81647/RE001.
What will happen if I take part?
At the start of the study, Jack, Carolyn or Charlotte will ask you for some basic information about yourself. They will ask you to complete and sign a consent form agreeing to participation. This discussion will take around 15 minutes. We would like to interview you over the phone for about 30 minutes, at a time that is convenient for you. During the interview a researcher will ask you some questions about your experience living with T2D.
What does the study involve and what data will be collected?
If you are happy to take part you will be interviewed by a researcher about your preferences and choices regarding your T2D experience. These interviews will take approximately 30 minutes and will be recorded by the researcher. You will need to read, initial and sign the consent form which you can do electronically. You will not be asked to do anything further.
What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?
There is a risk of a breach of confidentiality through a data breach. To reduce this risk, our transcribers will de-identify data so your name, location or other identifying information are replaced in all written documents. You have the right to stop the interview or withdraw from the research at any time and for any reason, until 10th August 2028 after which time your data will be destroyed.
What are the possible benefits of taking part?
The aim of this study is to find out lots of views and experiences from people with T2D and use this to give us a better understanding of what things influence that experience. Your knowledge and experience will contribute to this.
You will be reimbursed for participating.
Data will be held by the research team, at the University of Oxford.
The information you provide during the study is the research data. Any research data from which you can be identified such as your audio recording, is known as personal data.
Personal / sensitive data will be stored on secure drives at the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford either for three years after publication or public release of the work of the research or, optionally, for up to six years if you give us this permission in your consent form. They will be accessible by named members of the research team. These data will be shared with a transcriber, who has a contract with the University of Oxford. All data will be encrypted (through 7zip, and password protection) during transfer to and from the transcriber.
Other research data will be stored for 6years after the study start date (10th August 2028).
The research team will have access to the research data. Responsible members of the University of Oxford may be given access to data for monitoring and/or audit of the research.
Data Protection
The University of Oxford is the data controller with respect to your personal data, and as such will determine how your personal data is used in the study.
The University will process your personal data for the purpose of the research outlined above. Research is a task that is performed in the public interest.
Further information about your rights with respect to your personal data is available from https://compliance.admin.ox.ac.uk/individual-rights.
What if there is a problem?
If you have a concern about any aspect of this study, please contact Dr Charlotte Albury (charlotte.albury@phc.ox.ac.uk) and we will do our best to answer your query. We will acknowledge your concern within 10 working days and give you an indication of how it will be dealt with. If you remain unhappy or wish to make a formal complaint, please contact the Chair of the Research Ethics Committee at the University of Oxford who will seek to resolve the matter as soon as possible. Contact: Chair, Medical Sciences Inter-Divisional Research Ethics Committee; Email: ethics@medsci.ox.ac.uk; Address: Research Services, University of Oxford, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD
Please contact Jack via jack.joyce@phc.ox.ac.uk or 07741606038 if you have any questions or are interested in participating.