ADAVANCE: Advancing and evaluating a breakthrough Diagnostic interVention for Acute uriNary traCt infEction
In set-up: protocol development.
Astrego have developed a rapid test which will be used in primary care to help clinicians by confirming a diagnosis and the correct antibiotic to treat urinary tract infections, thus empowering clinicians to make appropriate treatment decisions. The University of Oxford and the Region Uppsala will work with Astrego to refine the diagnostic and then test its performance in samples of urine provided by women who visit their GP with this condition.
why this is important
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is an unpleasant and potentially dangerous condition which affects almost half of all women at least once in their lifetime. Most patients receive antibiotics to treat this condition. However, many types of bacteria which cause these infections are no longer sensitive to commonly used antibiotics. It is important to prevent this problem from worsening by ensuring that only patients with genuine infections receive antibiotics, and that the antibiotics they receive will work. Current tests for this infection are slow or inaccurate, so doctors usually rely on clinical judgement to decide on treatment.
ADVANCE is a prospective, observational, cohort, diagnostic accuracy study of the Astrego qUTI point of care test in a consecutively enrolled primary care population of female patients ≥18 years of age presenting with symptoms of uncomplicated UTI.
benefits to the patient and nhs
Improve prescribing decisions for patients with UTI.